Care to Support

Referral Form

Referral Form

Please complete this form when making a referral to Kangaroo Disability Services. You can save the form as a draft at the bottom of this page.
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Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code

Culture and Language

Please tell us about the participant's culture and language requirements.


Please select Yes or No for each possible disability - there is room for further diagnosis and medical detail after this.

Diagnosis / Medical Conditions

Please enter any other relevant diagnosis, disability, or medical information.


Please select Yes or No for each possible allergy - there is room for further allergy detail after this.

Behaviour Support Plan


Please upload any relevant Allied Health reports such as OT, Speech Therapy, Psychologist etc

Allied Health Reports - Upload
Browse File
Drag and drop files here

Ratios, Gender, and Age Preferences

Enter your preference
Enter your preference

Support Requirements

Please let us know what supports are required for each category. There is a separate section for shift start and end times after this.
Does the participant require support with Personal Care?
Does the participant require support with Manual Handling?
Does the participant require support with Transfer?
Does the participant require support with Domestic Assistance?
Does the participant require support with Community Participation?
Does the participant require support with Mealtime Management?
Does the participant require support with Communication?
If informal supports via friends, family, neighbours are in place, please include details here.

Services Required

Tick all that apply
NDIS - Services Required
Day Options (Cooking and Baking class, Art and Crafts Day, Community Outing Day, Disco and Karaoke)

Goals & Interests

Now please let us know about the participant's goals.

Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is a legal document that gives a person, or trustee organisation the legal authority to act for you to manage your assets and make financial and legal decisions on your behalf.


Guardians are not nominees under the NDIS and there is no automatic process for guardians to be made nominees (although sometimes the Guardian and Nominee end up being the person or organisation)


Guardianship allows the Guardian to make decisions about your health and daily care in the event you can't make those decisions. If you have a Guardian, they make decisions about matters such as where you live and the services you might receive, healthcare, medical and dental treatment.

Support Coordinator

Plan Manager

For KDS services that will be billed.

General Practitioner
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code

Who shall we speak to about this referral?

First Name
Last Name
Please enter a valid phone number.
Are there any further important notes that need to be communicated?