Care to Support

Accommodation/ Tenancy

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Accommodation/ Tenancy services

Accommodation/ Tenancy

Care to support can provide personalised supports according to your preferences and needs in finding the appropriate accommodation. We will help you with the filling of private rental applications, gathering documentation and coordinating with property agents. We also support you to access best deals for utility providers like gas, electricity, internet, Foxtel, Netflix etc. and gain relief grants for the same, if applicable.

We will also assist you in the maintenance and extension of lease of existing property. We can also provide support for paying of rent, bills for the utilities. Our experienced staff can help you with inspection and end of lease cleaning of your rental properties.

Accommodation and Tenancy Services Revolutionised

Step into a World of Accessibility Where Dreams Meet Reality: NDIS Accommodation and Tenancy Services Revolutionised.

If we have you here, that means you are looking for NDIS accommodation and tenancy services because of high disability support needs, significant functional impairments, or a desire for greater independence. If so, you have landed in the right spot.

Imagine a place where independence and comfort intertwine and where each person’s journey is celebrated and supported. Care to support NDIS accommodation and tenancy services creates a magical bridge between dreams and reality, offering tailored housing solutions that cater to the diverse needs and aspirations of its residents.

NDIS are helpful

How NDIS accommodation and tenancy are helpful

Accommodation tenancy assistance NDIS encompasses various components that aim to support individuals with disabilities in housing arrangements. Here are some key elements typically included:.

NDIS accommodation and tenancy services

Advantages of NDIS accommodation and tenancy services.

NDIS accommodation and tenancy services offer several advantages to individuals with disabilities. Here are some key benefits:

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Why should you choose us over others?

Care to Support NDIS Accommodation and Tenancy.